
İngilizce Dersleri 33

In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner is at his office. He talks with colleagues about activities each is taking part in. You will learn to understand better about general and specific times of events and activities, and to state general times during which you do things.

Bu derste Martin Learner ofisinde çalışıyor. Martin çalışma arkadaşlarıyla katıldıkları faaliyetler hakkında sohbet edecek. Olay ve etkinlikleri anlatırken kullanabileceğiniz genel ve belirli zaman ifadelerini bol bol tekrarlama fırsatı bulacaksınız.

İngilizce Dersleri 33
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1.This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 33, Part 1.

2. Today you will learn to state the general time of your activities. Martin Learner is at his office talking with colleagues about when things are going to happen.

Bugünkü derste yine zaman ifadelerine devam edeceğiz. Martin Learner ofisinde çalışırken iş arkadaşlarıyla gelecekte olacak veya geçmişte yaşanmış olaylar hakkında sohbet edecek.

3. CARA : Hello, Martin. Did you finish your story?

4. MARTIN : Yes, I did. I worked on Saturday.

5. CARA : When did you finish?

6. MARTIN : I finished in the evening.

7. WALEED : Hello, Cara, Martin.

8. CARA : Hi, Waleed.

9. MARTIN : Good morning, Waleed. How are you?

10. WALEED : Fine thanks. Did you have a nice weekend?

11. CARA : Wonderful.

12. MARTIN : I worked.

13. WALEED : Did you work at the office?

14. MARTIN : No, I worked at home. I finished a story.

15. WALEED: I can't work on the weekend. The children are very noisy.

16. MARTIN : I don't like to work on weekends.

17. CARA : Martin, when are you going to Pittsburgh?

18. MARTIN : On Tuesday.

19. WALEED : Are you working on a story?

20. MARTIN : Yes, I'm writing a story about Pittsburgh.

21. WALEED : Didn't you write a story about Pittsburgh last year?

22. MARTIN : Yes, I did. I wrote a story three years ago too. I visit Pittsburgh often. Sometimes I write a story. I want to see the changes.

23. WALEED : Has it changed?

24. MARTIN : Yes, it has changed. I wrote a story ten years too.

25. WALEED : Pardon?

26. MARTIN : Ten years ago.

27. CARA : When did you first visit Pittsburgh?

28. MARTIN : In 1975. I went with my father to a baseball game.

29. HOWARD : Good morning, everybody.

30. OTHERS : Good morning, Howard. Hi. Good morning. How are you?

31. HOWARD : Where are you going this week, Martin?

32. MARTIN : Pittsburgh.

33. HOWARD : When are you going?

34. MARTIN : I'm going on Tuesday.

35. CARA : I'm going to work now. There's a meeting this morning.

36. HOWARD : When is the meeting?

37. CARA : It's at eleven forty-five.

38. WALEED : Eleven forty-five? When is our meeting, Martin?

39. MARTIN : Our meeting is at eleven forty-five.

40. WALEED : Can we change our meeting?

41. MARTIN : Of course. What time do you want to meet?

42. WALEED : Can we meet at eleven o'clock?

43. MARTIN : Yes, we can. Do you want to meet in your office?

44. WALEED : Can we meet in your office?

45. MARTIN : When are we going to finish?

46. WALEED : Before the other meeting.

47. Remember that we can state specific times by referring to the clock. Listen to some examples.

Saati belirterek belli bir zamandan söz edebileceğinizi unutmayın. Şimdi vereceğimiz örnekleri dinleyin.

48. MARTIN : At seven o'clock.

49. CARA : At eleven forty-five.

50. WALEED : At eleven o'clock.

51. MARTIN : At four o'clock.

52. CARA : At ten-thirty.

53. We state general times by referring to a period of time. Listen to some examples from this lesson.

Belli bir zaman dilimi söyleyerek genel ifadelerle de zaman belirtebiliriz. Bu dersteki bazı örnekleri tekrar dinleyin.

54. MARTIN : On Saturday. In the evening.

55. WALEED : On the weekend.

56. MARTIN : On Tuesday.

57. WALEED : Last year.

58. MARTIN : Three years ago. Ten years ago. In 1975.

59. WALEED : Before the other meeting.

60. Can you answer some of Martin's questions by stating a general time?

Genel bir zaman söyleyerek Martin’in sorularına cevap verebilir misiniz?

61. MARTIN : When did you go to a movie?

62. MARTIN : When did you see your family?

63. MARTIN : When are you going to study?

64. MARTIN : When are you going to shop?

65. CARA : When are you going to have lunch?

66. WALEED : I'm not going to have lunch.

67. HOWARD : After I finish my work.

68. MARTIN : At twelve-thirty.

69. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 33, Part 1. In the next lesson, you will continue to use general times.





In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner talks with his colleagues about when events and activities take place. You will learn to state the general times your own activities take place.

33’üncü dersin ikinci bölümünde de zaman belirten sözcük ve ifadelerkullanma pratiği yapmaya devam edeceğiz. Gelecekte yapacağınız etkinliklerin gününü, saatini söyleme tekrarı yapacaksınız.

1. This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 33, Part 2.

2. Today you will learn to state the general times your own activities take place. Martin is at his office talking with colleagues about their activities.

3. MARTIN : Cara, when are you going to Europe?

4. CARA : We're going next month.

5. WALEED : Can we go to lunch now?

6. CARA : Howard isn't here.

7. WALEED : When is he coming?

8. MARTIN : In a few minutes.

9. WALEED : Where are you going in Europe?

10. CARA : We're going many places.

11. WALEED : Are you going to Bulgaria?

12. CARA : Yes, we are.

13. WALEED : When are you going there?

14. CARA : Let me see. In about three weeks.

15. WALEED : I have an uncle in Bulgaria. Can you phone him?

16. CARA : Of course. Please give me his phone number.

17. WALEED : OK. I'm going to bring it next week.

18. MARTIN : When did your uncle go to Bulgaria?

19. WALEED : Many years ago. He was a student. He studied engineering. Then he worked in one of the factories for three years.

20. MARTIN : Did he stay there?

21. WALEED : Yes, he did. He married. He had children.

22. MARTIN : When did you see him?

23. WALEED : Twenty years ago. He came to see my father. He is my father's brother.

24. HOWARD : I'm here.

25. WALEED : Good. Can we go now?

26. HOWARD : Were you waiting for me?

27. WALEED : Of course.

28. HOWARD : Yes, let's go.

29. CARA : Martin, when are we going to Georgetown University?

30. MARTIN : Next week. The demonstration is on Wednesday.

31. HOWARD : What demonstration is that?

32. CARA : It is Environmental Day. There is a big demonstration.

33. WALEED : What is Environmental Day?

34. MARTIN : The students are having a demonstration about environmental problems. Cara and I are going to write a story.

35. WALEED : What problems are they demonstrating about?

36. CARA : Many problems.

37. MARTIN : We're going to write about river pollution.

38. CARA : Yes. The university is on the river. We want to listen to the speakers. We want to write about pollution.

39. MARTIN : We had a story about ocean pollution.

40. WALEED : When?

41. CARA : A few weeks ago. We visited the Atlantic Ocean.

42. HOWARD : When did you go to the Atlantic Ocean?

43. MARTIN : In the summer.

44. WALEED : Did you see pollution in the ocean?

45. CARA : Yes, we did. We saw pollution in some places.

46. MARTIN : We saw pollution in the river too.

47. HOWARD : When?

48. MARTIN : Last week. Last month. Last year. We want to write about pollution.

49. Remember there are many phrases that express general times or periods of time. Listen to some examples from this lesson. These phrases express time in the past.

Unutmayın genel bir zaman dilimini veya bir dönemi belirten ifadeler vardır. Bu dersteki bazı örnekleri tekrar dinleyin. Kullanılan zaman ifadeleri geçmiş zamanı anlatıyor.

50. WALEED : Many years ago. Twenty years ago.

51. CARA : A few weeks ago.

52. MARTIN : Last week. Last month. Last year.

53. LL: These phrases express time in the future.

54. CARA : Next month.

55. MARTIN : In a few minutes.

56. CARA : In about three weeks.

57. WALEED: Next week.

58. Of course, some phrases can be used for either past or future times.

Elbette, bazı zaman ifadeleri geçmiş için kullanılabileceği gibi gelecek zaman belirtmek için de kullanılabilir.

59. WALEED : For three years.

60. MARTIN : On Wednesday. In the summer.

61. Can you answer Martin's questions by using a phrase expressing general time?

Martin’in sorularına genel bir zaman ifadesi kullanarak cevap verebilir misiniz?

62. MARTIN : When are you going to see your family?

63. MARTIN : When are you going to study English?

64. MARTIN : When did you visit your family?

65. MARTIN : When did you eat?

66. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 33, Part 2. Please join us for the next lesson.

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