
İngilizce Dersleri 38


In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner and colleagues attend a concert. They discuss and describe people at the concert. You will learn to understand descriptions of people and to answer questions about the physical characteristics of yourself and a friend.

English USA’nın 38’inci dersinde Martin Learner ve çalışma arkadaşları bir konser izleyecek. Gördükleri kişilerin dış görünüşünü tariff edecekler. İş arkadaşlarınızın ve kendinizin fiziksel özelliklerini söyleme pratiği yapacaksınız.

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1.This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 38, Part 1.

2. Today you will learn to understand descriptions of people and to answer questions about the physical characteristics of a friend.

3. CARA: That was beautiful. Did you like it, Martin?

4. MARTIN: It was wonderful.

5. CARA: Did you like it, Howard?

6. HOWARD: Of course.

7. CARA: Now, Howard, which one is your sister?

8. HOWARD: That woman playing the violin.

9. CARA: Which one?

10. HOWARD: She has a black dress.

11. MARTIN: They all have black dresses.

12. HOWARD: She has red hair.

13. CARA: Oh, I see. She has beautiful hands. She has long fingers.

14. MARTIN: Yes, she does. I like her hair. Your hair isn't red.

15. HOWARD: Our father's hair is red. He doesn't like his red hair.

16. CARA: Does your sister like her hair?

17. HOWARD: Yes, she does.

18. CARA: It's very nice.

19. MARTIN: Is her violin old?

20. HOWARD: Yes, it is. It's very old.

21. CARA: Martin, who is that man over there?

22. MARTIN: Which man?

23. CARA: He's sitting behind that tall man.

24. MARTIN: The man with white hair?

25. CARA: No, no. Look to the right. Do you see that tall man?

26. MARTIN: Maybe.

27. CARA: Who is the man sitting behind the tall man?

28. MARTIN: I can't see his face.

29. CARA: Now look.

30. HOWARD: Is he the man with the large head?

31. CARA: Yes. He has a round face and brown hair.

32. MARTIN: He's a Senator.

33. HOWARD: What's his name?

34. MARTIN: I don't know.

35. CARA: Where is he from?

36. MARTIN: I don't know.

37. MARTIN: Your sister is wonderful, Howard.

38. CARA: Yes, she is. She's very pretty too.

39. HOWARD: Thank you.

40. CARA: Is she very tall?

41. HOWARD: Yes, she is.

42. CARA: She has long arms and long fingers.

43. MARTIN: You're not tall. Is your father tall?

44. HOWARD: No, he's short. My mother is short. I'm short too. But my sister and brother are tall.

45. CARA: What color are her eyes?

46. HOWARD: They are blue.

47. CARA: I like red hair and blue eyes.

48. HOWARD: Don't you like my hair?

49. MARTIN: You don't have any hair.

50. HOWARD: I have some hair.

51. CARA: You have very nice blue eyes too.

52. Listen to some sentences describing the physical characteristics of people.

Kişilerin dış görünüşünü açıklayan bazı cümleleri tekrar dinleyin.

53. HOWARD: She has red hair.

54. CARA: She has beautiful hands.

She has long fingers.

55. MARTIN: Your hair isn't red.

56. HOWARD: My father's hair is red.

Is he the man with the large head?

57. CARA: Yes. He has a round face and brown hair.

58. Listen to some descriptive words and the physical features they describe.

Kişilerin görünüşünü anlatırken kullandıkları tanıtım kelimelerini ve tanıttıtları özellikleri belirten sözcükleri dinleyin.

59. MARTIN: Red hair. Beautiful hands. Long fingers.

Large head. Round face. Brown hair.

60. Please answer Martin's questions about you or your friend.

Şimdi lütfen Martin’in sizinle ve arkadaşınızla ilgili sorularına cevap verin.

61. MARTIN: Is your friend young?

62. MARTIN: Is your friend short?

63. MARTIN: Is your head small?

64. MARTIN: Are your fingers long?

65. MARTIN: Is your face long?

66. MARTIN: Howard, who is that woman?

67. HOWARD: Which one?

68. CARA: Shhhh. Be quiet.

69. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 38, Part 1. In the second part of the lesson you will learn to describe more of your physical characteristics.

English USA dil dersimizde 38’inci dersin birinci bölümünü dinlediniz. Dersin ikinci bölümünde bu konuya devam edeceğiz, kendinizi ve başkalarını tanıtmanızı sağlayacak açıklayıcı cümle ve kelimeleri kullanma pratiği yapacaksınız.


In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner and his colleagues talk about people at a concert during intermission. You will learn to describe more of your own physical characteristics.

Bu derste de Martin Learner ve iş arkadaşları gittikleri konserde çevrelerindeki kişiler hakkında konuşmaya devam edecekler. Kendinizi ve başkalarını daha iyi tarif etmenizi sağlayacak kelimeler öğreneceksiniz.

1. This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 38, Part 2.

2. Today you will learn to describe more of your own and your friend's physical characteristics. Martin and his colleagues are at a concert and talk during the intermission.

3. CARA: Howard, you sister is very beautiful. Is your brother handsome?

4. HOWARD: Of course. We're all handsome. But he has hair.

5. MARTIN: Would you like a drink?

6. CARA: Yes, please. Anything.

7. HOWARD: May I help?

8. MARTIN: No, thanks. I'm going to get them.

9. CARA: Howard, do you see that large woman?

10. HOWARD: The one behind Martin?

11. CARA: No, no. The one with brown hair.

12. HOWARD: The one with the white dress?

13. CARA: Yes. Who is she?

14. HOWARD: She works in our building?

15. CARA: Where does she work?

16. HOWARD: Upstairs. She knows Martin. They're talking.

17. CARA: Do you know her?

18. HOWARD: Yes. She's very interesting.

19. MARTIN: How are you, Helen?

20. HELEN: Fine thanks. Do you like the concert?

21. MARTIN: Yes. Very much. Do you like the music?

22. HELEN: Yes, I do. Who is that woman with Howard?

23. MARTIN: She's Cara Guiterrez.

24. HELEN: She has a very nice face. But she's very thin.

25. MARTIN: Come meet her.

26. MARTIN: Here you are.

27. CARA: Thank you, Martin.

28. HOWARD: Thanks.

29. MARTIN: Cara, this is Helen Stockdale.

30. CARA: Hello. I'm Cara Guiterrez.

31. HELEN: Martin told me. I'm happy to meet you. Hello, Howard. How are you?

32. HOWARD: Fine thanks. How are you?

33. HELEN: Fine thanks. Do you like the concert, Howard?

34. HOWARD: I love it.

35. CARA: His sister is playing.

36. HELEN: That's wonderful. Which one is she?

37. MARTIN: She plays the violin.

38. HOWARD: She's very tall. She has red hair and blue eyes.

39. CARA: She has long arms and long fingers.

40. HELEN: Yes, I know.

41. CARA: Helen, do you know that man? He has gray hair and gray eyes.

42. HELEN: I don't see him.

43. CARA: He's behind that fat woman.

44. HELEN: Is she short?

45. CARA: Yes. She has a very round face.

46. MARTIN: What color are her eyes?

47. CARA: I can't see her eyes.

48. HELEN: Does she have black hair?

49. CARA: Yes, she does.

50. HELEN: That's Mrs. Van Wolk. She has a cafe on M Street.

51. CARA: Oh, yes. Now I see.

52. HELEN: I don't know the man.

53. Listen to some sentences that describe the physical characteristics of people.

Kişilerin fiziki özelliklerini açıklayan bazı cümleleri tekrar dinleyin.

54. CARA: Howard, your sister is very beautiful. Is your brother handsome?

55. HOWARD: We're all handsome?

56. CARA: Do you see that large woman? The one with brown hair?

57. HELEN: She has a very nice face. But she is very thin.

58. CARA: She has long arms and fingers.

59. HOWARD: She has red hair and blue eyes.

60. CARA: He has gray hair and gray eyes.

61. Please answer Martin's questions.

Lütfen Martin’in sorularını yanıtlayın.

62. MARTIN: Is your friend tall?

63. MARTIN: Are you tall?

64. MARTIN: What color is your friend's hair?

65. MARTIN: What color is your hair?

66. MARTIN: Is your friend's face round?

67. MARTIN: Is your face round?

68. CARA: When is the concert finished?

69. HOWARD: At 10:30.

70. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 38, Part 2. Please join us for the next lesson.

Amerika’nın Sesi’nin hazırladığı English USA dizisinde 38’inci dersi dinlediniz. 39’uncu derste yine birlikte olmak umuduyla hoşçakalın.